ASL Safety & Training

Service Outlines - ASL Safety and Training

Service Outlines - ASL Safety and Training



Due to the constant loading and unloading of pallets, this  can compromise the strength, stability and integrity of any storage system which is why they need to be inspected regularly for signs of wear and tear.


Inspections will:


Prevent damage to people or goods

Extend the life span of equipment facilities

Minimise future repair costs by discovering risks early

Offer a speedy repair service

Regular Rack inspections are not only sound business practice, they are also a legal requirement:




All companies are legally obliged to ensure their employees work in a safe environment with safe equipment. The legislation and guidance that covers this includes:

The Safety ,Health & Welfare At Work Act 2005 and the General Applications Regulations 2007.

Failure to comply can cause serious personal injury and even death of operatives, reduced productivity and lead to:

Expensive and disruptive legal proceedings

Higher insurance premiums

Damage to reputation

Our Rack Inspection service provides a comprehensive audit of your beams, uprights, frame bracing, floor fixings and lock-in clips. As the inspections are carried out in typical operational conditions, the inspectors also check that it is fit for purpose. At the end, they issue a report on any damage, and provide advice on how it can be fixed.

The report you will receive uses the traffic light system:

Green: items with negligible damage that is safe to use.

Amber: Damage that needs repairs but does not require immediate off-loading.

Red: Severe damage that requires the rack to be off-loaded immediately and isolated from use.

We offer Annual and Weekly inspections.


Annual Rack Inspection service.

Comprehensive professional inspection

Certified and experienced inspectors

No interruption to operations

Detailed inspection report

Independent expert to assess equipment

Reminder of when next inspection is due

Support between visits

Load signs for each rack stating its maximum capacity.

Weekly Inspection service.

 In addition to the annual inspections, weekly visual inspections are required. These must be carried out by a competent person. We can provide this service or train your own staff to do this.


So call us at 01 5312455/040233505 or email